Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Jams Are Here!

It was two weeks ago when I placed my order of jams from The Fruit Garden. Pierre, the French owner, told me that the goods will be ready the following week. So last weekend, Adrin and I went to their commissary to pick-up our giveaways. 

Here they are, waiting to be packed and/or labelled.

The Gift Sets for our Principal Sponsors

Mango Lavender, Strawberry Banana, and Mango Spices

200 personal servings of Mango Lavender

For our guests :)

The Fruit Garden


  1. hi tine!
    congratulations to you and adrin!

    im lianne and just like you im a soon to be bride next year.

    i was researchinh about arrhae when i chanced upon ur blog! and boy am i glad to click on the giveaway tag! i was considering jams as well for our giveaway and wasnt confident that id find one. now i have one supplier in mind! i hope u dnt mind if we get to have the same giveaway!

    will you mind if i ask how much you got the jams? i dnt mean to offend or anything im just not very good in haggling/negotiating so atleast i will have a benchmark of how low i can get their products..price range is ok..i really do hope u cn share it with me. thanks!

    btw reading ur entries inspired me to do some diy projects for our wedding. i got so excited to do the planning that at 1204am im still wide awake.

    thank you for the inspiration and info!

    wishing u both a happy and successful married life!

    - lianne :)

    1. Hi Lianne! Thank you for reading our blog.Of course you can have the Fruit Garden jams as your giveaways too. I can send you their pricelist via email, just leave your email addy as comment (so I don't have to publicly broadcast here and let my guests know of the jams' price. haha).

      I'm so happy that I was able to somewhat inspire you with our DIY projects. Just like you, I was encouraged to do those things upon seeing other brides before me who also had a lot of personal touches and DIYs in their weddings. I wish you well in your wedding preparations and hopefully you also get to personalize it well. :)

      Let me know if you need any help! ;)

  2. Hi Tine,

    Thank God and felt so blessed to encounter your blog.

    H2B and I are considering The Fruit Garden as our wedding souvenir. You did a great work on adding a DIY on it and you got me inspired to do it too. I hope it's ok with you.


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