Thursday, July 05, 2012

First Take on Fabric Flowers

I do not consider myself a creative person, nor do I have any penchant for the arts. I actually avoid it as much as I can, thinking that I’m not good at it. But during those times that I’m forced to work on artsy things, I tend to get engrossed on it and always find myself enjoying the activity. Despite my lack of creativity, I know that I love working with my hands. I even engaged myself in crafts (cross-stitching, scrapbooking, refashioning my clothes, decorating notebooks, etc.) when I was younger. Sadly I explored other activities, and coupled with the demands of work, my fascination with crafts was ultimately pushed aside.

Working on our wedding preps gives me a new opportunity to use my hands and come up with something. As early as day 1, I’m already positive that we won’t get through this whole wedding thing without a single DIY output.

Now that we’ve booked our major suppliers, we can already focus on our target DIY’s. I’ve yet to finalize the list and do the prioritization though.  By August, I hope we’ll already be in full swing ticking the first item in the list.

Given some free time today, I decided to try out some fabric flowers. We have several ideas in mind as to how and where we’ll use them, but I’m not sharing yet. Just hang in there for now; I’ll let you into it once we’ve started the actual work. *wink*

And so, after a long intro, I share to you the fabric flowers I was able to come up with today. This was not pre-meditated so pardon the materials used. I just scouted for scraps of fabric or wrapping materials that I’ve lovingly kept before. Yes, I’m such a junkie. I keep those in a box together with other thingamajigs with the intention to put them into good use someday. =P

This is my first output. The tutorial I found on the internet was easy to follow and this thing was easy to create. I'll probably try a different material next time.

Flower #1

Next I created this following this tutorial. Out of my 3 outputs for the day, this is the easiest to create. You can actually finish one in around 10mins. However it looks kinda plain and flat (lacks dimension) since my fabric was too short to create two layers of "petals".

Flower #2

My last output is this. After creating the first one, I looked for other versions where I can also use the extra circle cutouts. Found this tutorial, so I decided to try it out as well. Of the three, I spent the most time on this design because you need several petals and  it has to be sewn in one by one. It's puffy and has volume but looks a bit stiff. I'm sure it'll turn out better using a real fabric.

Flower #3

They look oh so pretty, don't they? =)


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