Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wish #1: Cupcakes as Wedding Giveaways

Along with my new found hobby--baking, came a few orders. Two weeks ago, a friend called me up to inquire if I can make 200 cupcakes for her friend's upcoming wedding since they plan for the sweet treats to be the giveaways. This is the first time that I was commissioned to bake that much, and so I was a bit reluctant but still decided to accept the job. 

Adrin has always been supportive of this hobby of mine and consistently cheered me on whenever we receive orders from time to time. We’re partners in this venture; I do the baking and packaging preparation while he does the packaging preps, cupcake boxing, driving, and other thinking parts.

We shopped for the ingredients and cupcake boxes a week before the event. That same weekend, my supportive family helped me assemble majority of the boxes. On the other hand, Adrin printed and cut the tags that we’ll stick on each cupcake box.  He also prepared the makeshift delivery boxes that we’ll use to transport the goodies.

The day before the event was spent baking and boxing. It took us a really long time to complete everything. These giveaways surely are out of labor of love, and I hope that the guests will truly enjoy and savor eating them.

Now, if only we can do this for our very own wedding. It would be really nice and fulfilling to give our guests something they can enjoy and produced out of our own effort. Much more so since we want to digress from the usual giveaways of small what-nots with no other use but to gather dust. It would just be very hard to do that because surely we won’t have the time to bake and prepare the goodies anymore since we’ll be focused on the wedding preps. Even if we do, I don’t like the idea that we’ll be so tired heading to our wedding. Oh well, I guess I’ll just be content with baking for other people’s events for now. 


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