Sunday, September 15, 2013

The New (but Old) Home

Pardon me for my 2-week hiatus, my absence here is due to my craaaaazy workload and the personal matters that immediately took our focus, time, and resources. We'll I'm talking about our new home! At last, after making rounds in and out of subdivions within our target city, we were finally able to secure the best property for us. 

I say BEST. Here's why:

  • It's perfectly situated next to my current house. Yes, they are actually adjacent lots! This means I won't be "parted" from my mom and I'll just move next door after the wedding. =) 
  • Since our new home is adjacent to my childhood home, years down the road, we can fully consume both lots and have a bigger and more spacious house. To answer your question, yes I don't have siblings so there's no competition over the childhood home. =) 
  • It's a pre-owned foreclosed property. This translates to a good discounted purchase price for us.
  • It has a current house structure, albeit dilapidated. There's the need to renovate, but we'd rather take that over spending our precious resources on renting right after the wedding as what we have initially planned.

So, do you agree with me now? Well even if you don't, Adrin & I still believe that this is the best deal that we could get given our personal and financial situation. =)

A great part of the past two weeks were spent on house transactions. We'd visit the office of the financial institution to which the property has been foreclosed, first to assess the whole process and if there is any legalities might complicate the purchase, and next to submit the requirements needed after we've decided to push through with the acquisition. We also did due diligence and validated with the Registry of Deeds the actual legal status of the property. Last Tuesday, after completing all steps that we felt we need to take, we released that hefty check to make a full payment of the property. Whew! No turning back now. 

And because a major renovation is in order, we deferred wedding errands scheduled this weekend to give way to house errands. Yesterday we met with my cousin's architect friend to allow him to inspect the property, and also to commission him to make a renovation plan given our requirements. Then, this morning Adrin asked his uncle who's in the construction business to also visit the property and make a quick cost estimate on the forthcoming construction. I'll share to you more on those once the plan gets more concrete (pun intended)! =D

Another series for you to look out for eh? 


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